Transforming Stories Wk 6

Transforming Stories of the Next Generation – Week 6

Train Orthopathy: Right Feelings!

Jesus showed us the importance of right thoughts leading to right feelings in how He handled situations differently than the religious culture of His day.  He will begin today by finishing ideas from last week and then continue with this next idea…
(See last week’s notes HERE.)
Here are four examples that we can discuss and learn from, one from each of the four Gospels:
Matthew 8:1-3
Mark 5:25-34
Luke 19:1-10
John 8:1-11
Let us never forget that right thoughts about God and creation, ourselves and other people, sin and redemption (worldview) lead to us interpreting our situations more accurately. A right interpretation facilitates us having a correct emotional response (right feelings) to our situations.
We must model this for the next generation and train them up so that their right thoughts, lead to right feelings, which ultimately lead to right actions – being a witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
You can watch this message by clicking HERE.
You can watch the entire Worship Service by clicking HERE.
