Oct '18
Follow (Week 1): Respond to Jesus’ Invitation!
Oct '18
KEY VERSES: Mark 1:17 & 1 John 2:6
Big Word #2 is “FOLLOW!” [opening illustration: Have you ever played follow the leader?] We have learned the importance of why God GATHERS us. We are His Church—the ones who have been gathered by God’s grace, out of the world and into a peculiar community of God’s people. We come by an invitation…an invitation to FOLLOW! Who are we to follow? To whose invitation are we responding?
- A pastor, a worship leader, a personality or a style…
- A group of friends… A cultural (tribal) pressure…
- A denomination or brand loyalty… Family and tradition…
- A cause to champion… A bandwagon to jump on…
We are invited to FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST! Listen to Jesus’ invitation to FOLLOW:
“And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men'” (Mark 1:17) Read more…