Table of Blessings
Table of Blessings
Pastor Jerry Ingalls hosted today’s time of sharing.
Those sharing today:
I am thankful for the things God has seen me through this year. (ex: a motorcycle accident)
And now as a new father.
Prayer of Blessing over fathers.
God took care of me and Kevin during times of financial dryness and broken bones.
There were also times of spiritual dryness during COVID. I was distracted by all of the Media Hype.
It gave me a false sense of being in charge and responsible to solve the world’s problems.
I finally stopped and began to draw closer to God as He called me back to Him.
I am a student athlete at Valop University. My coaches called me out as a leader on my team. I am not certain why. God reminded me that it was a platform for glorifying Him.
A back injury stopped me from playing during the Spring season. I was asked to speak to the team and give a devotion.
They call me Pastor Titus now.
I wanted to begin a small group but couldn’t imagine that many fellow athletes wanting to join. God has drawn several fellow players to the group and are looking to me to God to renew their faith!
I am Natasha’s sister and I thank God for the bond that we have shared.