Table of Blessings 2024


Welcome to a time of thanksgiving as brothers and sisters share how God has been faithful and gracious in their lives. They share to honor Him and His name…
Host:  Pastor Ken Durham  (0:06)


Caleb Plumhoff (2:52)
Kevin, Bree & Kevin Michael (Bean) & Samantha Jane (5:00)
Tina Durham (11:23 & 35:42)
Kolby, Leah & Lincoln Durham (12:00)
Mararet Richardson (36:34)
Pastor Jerry Ingalls (54:15)


(These times will only work with the first testimonies video below)

You can watch the testimonies by clicking HERE.


You can watch the entire service by clicking HERE.



Table of Blessings 2023

We gathered together on Sunday, November 26, 2023 to thank God for His many blessings.  Seven of our brothers and sisters shared some very specific events in their lives for which they were exceedingly grateful.  Watch as they share how God has seen them through times of hardship and sorrow, triumph and rejoicing.  God is unpredictable as to how He does it, but indeed He works all things for the good of those who love Him and whom He calls to His purpose! (Romans 8:28).
Below is a general outline and description of those who shared with us.  The time references are from the first video with just the sharing…

Host: Pastor Ken Durham


Matt and Emily Hurst (2:08)

Sometimes God brings into our lives things that are difficult to bare.  Change can be challenging, but God is good – and He means ALL FOR GOOD!  Our daughter has cystic fibrosis, we have gone through job changes, substance abuse in the family, and the death of a parent.  We are learning to forgive as we walk with Him.  Matt shared a meaningful quote from a book that he recently read:
They say of some temporal suffering,
“No future bliss can make up for it,”
not knowing that Heaven, once attained,
will work backwards and turn even that agony
into a glory.
– a quote from The Great Divorce (C.S. Lewis)

Deb Winters (15:36)

Deb shared about transitions in life such as retirement.  (Ecclesiastes 3:1)  We must remember God’s faithfulness.  He is with us through it all!  Prayer is so important in life.  When I truly trust God, He brings peace.  I often wondered how I could ever cope with retirement when I am a people-person.  Actually, transitions are nothing new – we experience them throughout life.  (Proverbs 3:5-6) We learn to trust as we keep turning to Him.  I find in retirement that there is more freedom with more time for relationships and for prayer!  I highly recommend retirement!

Tina Durham (26:08)

I, too, have gone through a big job change.  I have learned that God is in control.  It may take time, but He knows what we need.

Misty Watkins (27:57)

Losing a spouse is very difficult.  It takes time to learn how to live without them.  There are many changes that happen along the way, like changing jobs.  I have learned that God wants to be in the job with us.  Trust Him and share Him with others.  Pray!

John and Soozi Davisson (35:15)

(John 2:1-11, Psalm 76)  We are servants.  God chose us.  We want to be available. (2 Corinthians 6:1)  Yes, we too have experienced job change.  We have been considering adoption.  We have also been considering Samaritan’s Purse.  As we read in the book of John, we  learned that the servant’s job was to say, “Yes.”  They were to bring the water.  Jesus is the one who transforms our efforts. (2 Samuel 22:30)  When we are available and say, “Yes” – He provides what is needed!  “With my God, I can!”  We must remember that this is God’s story, not ours.  Consider the power of God’s word in our community.  (Psalm 23:3; Isaiah 55:10-11; Hebrews 10:20-25).  Lastly we would like to share a “pour-over” of God’s word with you… (Psalm 103).

Ken closes with song and prayer  (50:56)

Take the time to be thankful.  For your home, your family and for what God is doing in your life. 

If you would like to watch just the sharing portion of our service, Click HERE.


If you would like to watch the entire service including music, click HERE.



Table of Blessings! 2022

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in one body;
and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15
Host: Pastor Ken Durham (0:08)
Today three families share how God has been at work in there trials and rejoicings. God may not always do what we expect, but He always does what is best. Join us as we share in their thanksgiving…
Bob and Cindy Sheffer – Life can go on with God following a stroke.  (1:38)
Tim and Emily Martin – God brought us closer together as a couple and led us in starting a new business. (7:56)
Brandon and Andrea Atwood (and Shiloh) – God blessed us with foster care, co-parenting and adoption.  (17:04)
Host: Pastor Ken Durham (42:49)
God moves in our lives in His perfect time in His perfect ways. All we need do is trust Him. God’s way is always the best way. It is a blessing when He allows us to be a part of what He is trying to do in the world!

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.

Know that the Lord Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.

For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.

Psalm 100
Closing and Prayer: Pastor Jerry Ingalls  (44:57)

You can listen to this service by clicking below:


You can watch this service by clicking HERE.



Table of Blessings

Table of Blessings

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Pastor Jerry Ingalls hosted today’s time of sharing.


Those sharing today:



I am thankful for the things God has seen me through this year. (ex:  a motorcycle accident)

And now as a new father.


Prayer of Blessing over fathers.




God took care of me and Kevin during times of financial dryness and broken bones.

There were also times of spiritual dryness during COVID.  I was distracted by all of the Media Hype.

It gave me a false sense of being in charge and responsible to solve the world’s problems.


I finally stopped and began to draw closer to God as He called me back to Him.




I am a student athlete at Valop University.  My coaches called me out as a leader on my team.  I am not certain why.  God reminded me that it was a platform for glorifying Him. 


A back injury stopped me from playing during the Spring season.  I was asked to speak to the team and give a devotion. 


They call me Pastor Titus now. 


I wanted to begin a small group but couldn’t imagine that many fellow athletes wanting to join.  God has drawn several fellow players to the group and are looking to me to God to renew their faith!




I am Natasha’s sister and I thank God for the bond that we have shared. 




Our lives have really changed over the years.  We experienced so much together.  We lost our mom, but it drew us closer together.  I am so proud of my sister.  I pray for her all the time.

You can watch the video HERE.



Responding to Jesus by Giving Thanks – Week 4

A Table of Blessing

When you think about thanksgiving, it’s always easy to give thanks when things are going your way. 

A Little History:  The pilgrims did not have it easy on that first trip.  They landed in November near Plymouth Rock and had no time to prepare for winter.  They had to rely on whatever they could find by foraging and getting by on what they could find. 


So that first year 102 people foraged, tried to build shelters and stay healthy.  Even on the way over on the ships, because of storms and other things, they weren’t always able to eat well.  Once they were on land, several were dying of malnutrition and scurvy.  By the Spring only 44 survived. 


The ship called the Mayflower returned to England, but not one of the original pilgrims went back with it.  They were determined to stay.  One of their members was a former native American who helped them learn to plant and make a treaty with local tribes. 

Governor Bradford proclaimed a time of celebration after their first harvest. 


In the Old Testament there was a festival of thanksgiving called Sukkot, commonly knows as the Feast of Tabernacles or Festival of Booths.  It was a Jewish Autumn festival of double thanksgiving celebrated either on the fifteenth day of September or October and lasted for five days.
Can you imagine having Thanksgiving for five days?  Talk about blowing your diet!

In Psalm 9, David writes,

I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart;
    I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.
I will be filled with joy because of you.
    I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.


And in Psalm 34,

I will praise the Lord at all times.
    I will constantly speak his praises.
I will boast only in the Lord;
    let all who are discouraged take heart.
Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
    let us exalt his name together.

I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.
    freeing me from all my fears.


Testimony:  The Upchurch Family (5:36)


Kevin & Bree share about hosting a virtual Awesome Autumn online (18:30)

Psalm 66

Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth!
    Sing about the glory of his name!
    Tell the world how glorious he is.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
    Your enemies cringe before your mighty power.
Everything on earth will worship you;
    they will sing your praises,
    shouting your name in glorious songs.”

Come and see what our God has done,
    what awesome miracles he performs for people!


Give Thanks for all those around us! 

We do it all for Jesus! 

A Favorite Plaque: 
I do nothing for the applause of man, but I do everything for the applause of his nail scarred hands.


Thanking all those who work behind the scenes at our church.  (22:13)

We have been in this facility for almost 16 years. (31:34)
We began in a house in 1910 and now, for many of you, you are back in your house!


We don’t let the circumstances of life dictate what we will do… out hope is in God.

We have lost some of our saints this week.  (34:00)

But we celebrate!  We know where they are.


Prayer requests.


The Doxology: Prayer and singing the Doxology (36:26)

You can listen to the message here:


You can watch to the message HERE.

