The Promises of Christmas (Week 3)

Glimpses of the Nativity

Based on the four Gospels
A Reader’s Theater written and directed by Penny Stevens
This is a different story of the birth of Jesus.  We are directed by a Narrator to different characters who played a role in the nativity, or birth of Jesus, and his life shortly after…
Narrator:  “…for God so loved the world…that was His plan from the beginning! 
(Narrator:  Jack Hannum)
Of course there are Mary and Joseph.  They give us a glimpse into the feelings and struggles the young Jewish couple faced. 
Mary:  “Behold, I am a servant of the Lord!  Let it be to me according to your Word…”
Joseph:  “Messiah is coming…and He’s going to live in my house!”
(Joseph:  Kevin King;  Mary: Bree King)
Then there are the Innkeeper and his wife.  It was a busy time with irritating customers and crowded conditions.  It isn’t easy to find a place for the young couple who are desperate in their time of need. 
Innkeeper: “Sure I remember that night! What a week… people coming in from all over! We had them stacked on top of each other. Everyone was tired and cranky… I turned away so many people that night I lost count. I turned a young couple away too…”
Innkeeper’s wife: “…we were full. There was no room anywhere… I saw the young couple…Her child would be coming very soon! Samuel, we have to find them a place!”
(Innkeeper:  Mike Johansen,  Innkeeper’s wife:  Cyndi Johansen)
Then we meet a lowly surprised shepherd who tells it like it is… 
…Suddenly we were surrounded by light. 
I could see the shock on my brothers’ faces that I was sure was mirrored in my own.
Then an angel appeared and said,
“Fear Not!”
Huh!?  For some reason when an angel declares “Fear Not!” — FEAR IS OUR FIRST REACTION!
Well!  We feared all right!  We were terrified!
We fell on our faces – praying for ABBA’s protection like we never prayed before…!
(Shepherd:  Shawn Harter)
Last of all we hear from one of the wise men who arrived a little later on the scene.  These men had been studying and searching for years and now, at last, their dreams are literally coming true…
A wise man:  “My brothers and I followed the star.  We received word that Herod wanted to meet with us…we privately questioned his intentions.  He sent us to Bethlehem…we were in agreement that Herod had no plans to worship the child king…  We continued to follow the star…
(Wise Man:  Daniel Kinnaird)
Allow your heart to be stirred once again by these “Glimpses of the Nativity” 

You can listen to the Reader’s Theater here:


You can watch to the Reader’s Theater HERE. (Week #3, Dec. 13th)

