Transforming Stories Wk 7

Transforming Stories of the Next Generation! Week 7

Train Orthopraxis: Right Actions!


The human development of Jesus as an adolescent has been our template for these last three messages. The only biblical evidence of this stage of His life is found in Luke 2:39-52. I will show you how Jesus’ right mental picture of God led to right feelings about the situation and people, which then led Him to doing something that was totally unexpected and totally Jesus! That is the goal of Christian parenting, as we read in Ephesians 6:4: to raise the next generation in the instruction and discipline of the Lord so that they SHINE as witnesses of Jesus Christ. We will conclude this series on November 17, after I get back from our annual tour des grandparents and after our annual leadership message prior to congregational meeting with votes on November 10, which will also include the Awesome Autumn pitch-in.


Jesus showed us the importance of right thoughts leading to right feelings in how He handled situations differently than the religious culture of His day. We’ve already looked at the first three of the four Gospel stories we are examining to illustrate the connections between our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Let us never forget that right thoughts about God and creation, ourselves and other people, sin and redemption, and our purposes as stewards of God’s creation (worldview) lead us to interpreting our situations more accurately. A right interpretation facilitates us having a correct emotional response (right feelings) to our situations. We must model this for the next generation and train them up so that their right thoughts, lead to right feelings, which ultimately lead to right actions – being a witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is today’s emphasis as we look back at these four stories and then finish today’s sermon with the Parable of the Loving Father, also called the Parable of the Two Lost Sons, but commonly called the Parable of the Prodigal Son.


Jesus showed us the importance of right thoughts leading to right feelings in how He handled situations differently than the religious culture of His day. We are going to walk through these four examples again today, one from each of the four Gospels, to illustrate how Jesus’ worldview led to Him to interpret each situation differently, then, today, we will see how that led Him to respond with compassion, sending a ripple effect through time and space:


  • Matthew 8:1-3, Jesus touched the leper
  • Mark 5:25-34, the woman who touched Jesus
  • Luke 19:1-10, Zacchaeus and his friends
  • John 8:1-11, the woman caught in adultery


We will conclude with prodigal son story from Luke 15:11-32, contrasting the two sons’ actions based on their mental framework and emotional interpretation of the Father’s action. What can we teach the next generation from these stories and what actions do we hope they will model to their peers and future generations? What is Jesus teaching us about right thoughts about God and how right thoughts lead to right feelings, which then lead to right actions?


Ultimately, the goal of every family and every church is to be a place where both the younger sons and older sons can hear the invitation of the Father to come home and find rest, secure in His loving embrace as members of His forever family.

If you would like to watch this message, click HERE. (This link will appear later this week)


If you would like to watch the the entire service with the message, click HERE.

